You are worthy & deserving of all you desire, mama.

Hi beautiful!

Thank you for being here and choosing to take care of the most important person, YOU!

I am a healthcare practitioner, Intuitive Healer and Mama of 2 beautiful babes. After a traumatic vaginal birth, and unwanted c-section and working with dozen of other mamas, I am so honoured and grateful to be a resource for you.

Thank you for being here! XO

Prioritizing you when you're a mama can be challenging.

It doesn't have to be difficult when you have the desire and the support.

This is for you to give yourself time for you with ways to incorporate self-respect and self-love to continue becoming the best version of you as a woman and mama.

You are AMAZING!

Sending you so much love,

Steph xo

Example Curriculum

  Module 1 - Self-Awareness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - Self-Love & Self-Respect
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - Integrating
Available in days
days after you enroll

Give yourself the gift of nurturing YOU

Having littles is the most incredible experience and stretches and tests you in ways you couldn't imagine.

Making time & space for you and your self-care becomes a little more challenging. That's why I created this mini course to keep it short and sweet and honour your need to fill your cup up!

You are already amazing and this will be a stepping stone to support you in where you want to be.

From this mama's heart to yours, you are amazing XO.